
GIOSTAR Trailer: Age of Cells

GIOSTAR’s Co-Founders were the focus of an illuminating mini-documentary entitled Age of Cells. Featuring Dr. Amy Killen and Dr. Kyle Bergquist, the program includes extensive interviews with Dr. Anand Srivastava and Deven Patel, excerpts from well-attended lectures, and a sweeping tour through Ahmedabad (one of several GIOSTAR’s global locations).

Note: Age of Cells is the beginning of a more in depth exploration of GIOSTAR, regenerative medicine, and the implications of stem cells in combatting COVID-19 and other intractable diseases impacting mankind.

Highlights from Age of Cells

A lot of ground is covered in this ambitious documentary. Highlights of the program include the following:

  • Excerpts from Dr. Srivastava’s keynote address at the 40th Vikram Sarabhai Memorial Lecture at the Ahmedabad Management Institute
  • An overview of Dr. Srivastava’s decades-long quest to find treatment for the most incurable diseases afflicting mankind, harnessing the power of regenerative medicine
  • Reasons why stem cell therapy is emerging as a viable and more natural alternative to medication, surgery, and other conventional treatment modalities
  • Real-life view of intravenous stem cell procedures, along with an explanation of how they work to regenerate organs and damaged tissues
  • Explanation by Dr. Killen of her interest in exploring stem cell therapy as practiced around the globe, and how they it change the face of modern healthcare
  • Discussion of the need for changes in the mindset of clinical trials and other research investigations, to further substantiate the benefits of stem cells
  • Tour of the Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, India, where Mahatma Gandhi waged a campaign to gain independence for India
  • Overview of how the philosophies of Gandhi have influenced the GIOSTAR mission, about making a difference and helping humanity

Penny for Your Thoughts

The subjects of the documentary share numerous valuable insights during this fascinating overview of regenerative medicine and the scenic landscape of India, including the following:


A Picture Says a Thousand Words

For a quick preview of the program, we invite you to look at the thumbnail gallery below.

Interested in Learning More?

GIOSTAR has been a pioneer in stem cell therapy and research since its founding 12 years ago. Leveraging more than two decades of groundbreaking research by Co-Founder and Chairman Dr. Anand Srivastava, GIOSTAR has helped thousands of patients around the globe suffering from various degenerative diseases and orthopedic conditions.

Learn more about how we might be able to help you by calling (844) 446-7827, emailing (, or completing this brief form.

Written by GIOSTAR Chicago

GIOSTAR Chicago offers cutting-edge regenerative medicine techniques and protocols that have been extensively researched and developed by our leading scientists. Our team consists of world-renowned authorities in stem cell biology, protein biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, in utero transplantation of stem cell, tissue targeting, gene therapy and clinical research. GIOSTAR Chicago physicians are highly-credential health care professionals, offering personalized patient care to patients suffering from a broad range of degenerative diseases.